Yesterday evening met up with Eunice firstand had dinner @ Coffee Club Express @ Raffles City. ordered a pasta and a baked rice. listening to Eunice's updates while eating. For a moment, i felt that she's getting abit like me when I first met H. but i think she's more into it den me. haahaa. anyway, after the dinner, we went to Bedok mac beside the Indian cinema. met up with SZ, SHZN and Kevin(SZ's friend). sat there for dunno how long ba. talked alot. but almost everything was regarding r/s thingy. haiZz... like how did T successfully chase SHZN and how did S chase SZ. haahaa. interesting isnt it! heehee anywaay, left the place @ about +am and reached home @ am. super tired wor. shared a cab with SHZN and Eunice. 

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